August 18, 2021 - BY Admin

Roof Repair & Maintenance

Repairing a roof is not a fun task to undertake. However, damage does happen due to weather or old age. That's why it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the options and benefits available for roofing materials.

In the desert heat, you will find that most roofs are made up of clay. However, there are other options available should you decide to be adventurous.


Slate is a type of roof-shingle, or more specifically a variety of roof tile, which is installed by a slater. Slate has two lines of break-ability – cleavage and grain – which make it possible to split the stone into thin sheets.

Keep in mind that tile and slate will add significant weight to your roof that may require the frame of the house to be strengthened for additional support.


Metal roofs can be noisy and also absorb heat, which means you may need to add extra insulation beneath them. Rubber sheeting tar, PVC membrane, and built-up roofs -- including tar, bitumen and rolled materials -- are most appropriate for flat roofs.


A layer of vegetation over a waterproof membrane is used as the roof, so a flat roof is best used for this approach. Green roofs are great for providing natural insulation that lowers air temperatures and ambient temperatures.


Foam roofs are lightweight, cost-effective and adaptable to all kinds of roof shapes. Foam roofs have a long lifespan with proper maintenance so you could go up to 50 years without needing to replace it.

It's important to note that when selecting roofing material you need to take into account the roofs pitch or slope, the frame strength, typical climate conditions, your budget, and the aesthetics. A roof's durability and lifespan depend on material quality, installation workmanship, and regular maintenance.