August 18, 2021 - BY Admin

Keeping Water Clean

Clean water begins with each of us. Here are a few ways we can reduce water pollution:

  • Plant trees, shrubs, and groundcovers, especially around surface water. Vegetation acts as a natural filter for runoff entering ponds, lakes, or streams. Plants can also prevent shoreline erosion and keep soil from washing away.
  • Maintain a healthy lawn. A dense, vigorous lawn can be an excellent filter for pollutants. Before you apply fertilizers, test your soil, so you apply only what you need. Use the right fertilizer, at the right time and in the proper amount.
  • Clean up after your pets. Dispose of pet waste in the garbage.
  • Compost grass clippings, leaves, and garden waste. When these materials are washing into streams and lakes, they decay, which consumes oxygen that fish and other aquatic species need to survive.
  • Practice integrated pest management (IPM) around your home and garden. IPM reduces pest problems by using natural, mechanical, and biological methods. Try not to use chemicals and keep pesticide use to a minimum - use only when other methods don't work.
  • Keep your vehicles in good condition to prevent oil or antifreeze leaks. Spilled motor oil, gasoline, and lubricants can contaminate wells and streams.